At-Home COVID-19 Testing Information blog image. Photo of the title and several at-home COVID tests next to the Oswald's logo.

At-Home COVID-19 Testing Information

Posted on: January 6th, 2022 by Oswald's Pharmacy Team

At-home COVID-19 tests are becoming more common by the day. We receive hundreds of questions about them each week and decided to put this page together for anyone in need of information.

What’s the difference between at-home and laboratory COVID-19 tests?

There are a few major differences between COVID tests conducted at-home and those conducted by a professional:

  • Professional laboratory tests are conducted by someone who knows the tests inside and out (extremely low margin of error). At-home COVID tests are more prone to user errors.
  • Testing done at labs includes more accurate tests, including PCR/molecular tests. At-home COVID tests are rapid antigen tests.
  • Labs conducting COVID testing have strict sanitization standards. At-home tests may lose accuracy due to lack of proper sanitization or air filtering.
  • Most at-home COVID tests come with a comprehensive instruction manual, but you may have questions that are not included. Lab technicians are able to address most of your concerns while you are waiting for the test results.

COVID testing conducted by a lab will almost always be more accurate than an at-home test. This doesn’t take away from the usefulness of at-home tests however, as they can be used without a scheduled appointment or in areas where laboratory tests are not available.

Are at-home COVID-19 tests accurate?

Yes, when administered correctly. Some at-home COVID tests even require a prescription or doctor approval before they can be used. At-home COVID-19 tests need FDA EUA approval before they can be sold, meaning they are evaluated and deemed accurate.

Mayo clinic article on testing (at-home):

When should I consider an at-home COVID-19 test?

While COVID tests conducted by a lab are the most reliable when it comes to accuracy and service, at-home tests are extremely useful. At-home tests can be purchased and used without an appointment and give quick results.

Here are some common scenarios when at-home COVID-19 testing should be considered:

  • Hosting an indoor gathering
  • After returning from a trip or vacation
  • A family member has COVID-19 and is quarantining at home
  • No laboratory appointments are available in your area
  • You need results as soon as possible (can’t wait for a scheduled lab appointment)
  • You are unable to leave your home

How do I use an at-home COVID-19 test?

Every test will have different instructions. Be sure to carefully read the instructions of any at-home COVID-19 test you purchase.

The most common methods used by at-home COVID-19 tests include:

  • Nasal swabs
  • Saliva samples
  • Test strips

To make sure the results of any at-home COVID-19 test are accurate, be sure to wash your hands and sanitize the area where you are conducting the test beforehand.

Are at-home COVID-19 tests covered by insurance?

This answer will be periodically updated.

As of 1/6/2022, most at-home COVID-19 tests are not covered by insurance. All insurance providers have different coverage plans and may have policies in place that will eventually cover at-home COVID-19 tests. For more information speak to your insurance provider.

Why does my at-home COVID-19 test have 2 tests?

The 2-test kits are usually put together so a person who tests positive on the first test can test a certain amount of time later to ensure they no longer have COVID-19.

Please note that not all at-home COVID-19 tests come with 2 tests. The contents of each at-home COVID-19 test varies by manufacturer. Be sure to carefully read the instructions of any test you purchase before using it. If you have further questions, call the manufacturer or visit their website.

If an at-home COVID-19 test comes with 2 tests, can I use them for 2 different people?

No (short answer). At-home COVID-19 tests that come with 2 tests are meant to be used by 1 person at different times (specified by the manufacturer). Be sure to carefully read the instructions of any test you purchase before using it. If you have further questions, call the manufacturer or visit their website.

Can I re-use an at-home COVID-19 test?

NO! Do not reuse any COVID testing supplies.

Are there at-home COVID-19 PCR tests?

Not currently. If an accurate at-home COVID-19 PCR test becomes available we will update this section with more information.

There are ‘at-home’ PCR tests that require mailing a sample taken at home to a laboratory, but they are not considered at-home tests for the purpose of this article (as results can take, in some cases, over a week to get).

What at-home COVID-19 tests are available at Oswald’s?

Here is a list of tests potentially carried by Oswald’s. We try to update this in real time, but call ahead to be sure the tests are still in stock.

Test Name Currently Available at Oswald’s? FDA EUA Granted
iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test NO 11/05/2021
Flowflex COVID-19 Antigen Home Test YES 10/4/2021
CareStart COVID-19 Antigen Home Test NO 8/2/2021
InteliSwab COVID-19 Rapid Test NO 6/04/2021
Quidel QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test NO 3/31/2021
BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self Test NO 3/31/2021

Laboratory COVID-19 Testing at Oswald’s

If you need to get tested for COVID-19 by a certified lab in Naperville, IL, we can accommodate you. We offer PCR tests, Rapid Antigen tests, Rapid Antigen & Flu A+B tests, and COVID antibody tests. If you are interested in our tests, please click here.

If you any other questions, please give us a call.

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