A Message from Bill March 2020 featured image. Bill Anderson's (owner of Oswald's Pharmacy) family making a salad for national nutrition month.

A Message From Bill March 2020

Posted on: March 9th, 2020 by Oswald's Pharmacy Team

March is National Nutrition Month, so as a father to Alli-son, a future registered dietitian and husband to Nicki who spent much of her career in the health and fitness world, it’s impossible for me to avoid acknowledging this month. And with the sharp rise in chronic, non-communicable diseases in this country, the importance of nutrition is hard to overlook. Although I don’t always follow the good advice I get from these two pros, I have picked up a thing or two over the years that has helped me keep my diet somewhat healthy and my weight pretty steady. I will also incorporate a few health tips provided by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (via Allison)!

Easy-to-Follow Tips for National Nutrition Month

  • We usually start dinner with a salad. As a kid, my mom did this for dinner, and my wife has incorporated this tradition into our family meals as well. It’s a great way to get in some extra vegetables before digging into our entrees.
  • Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables. Although I’m not a big fan of most fruits, I do have some favorite vegetables (Brussels sprouts anyone?) and there are many things that Nicki does an incredible job of incorporating into our meals. Which brings me to my next point:
  • Home-cooked meals are important. Although we try to get salads as an appetizer when we eat out, we know that eating out generally doesn’t pack the same nutrient density as eating at home does. I am fortunate enough to have a wife that loves to cook and happens to be pretty amazing at it.
  • Drink more water! My daughter has a 32 oz. water bottle she takes with her everywhere. She’s very serious about her water. Last Christmas she bought me a thermal water cup that hold about a pint. As I write this missive it is sitting right next to my keyboard. I have to say, my water consumption has increased (probably doubled) just by having this bottle at work! She was also encouraging me to stop using disposable cups, but maybe we’ll save that topic for Earth Day next month.
  • Limit your consumption of red meats – this is a tough one for me but I know the importance of it! This is a constant work in progress, hope you guys are having better luck than I am. I usually get a craving for a hamburger off the grill two or three times a month – Casey’s ground chuck makes the world’s best burger – but I digress.
  • Fix healthy snacks. The chip and dip of yesteryear has given way to hummus and carrots.

Bill’s Tips for National Nutrition Month

Bill Anderson, owner of Oswald's Pharmacy, cooking meat on the grill. He put veggies on next!

Slow down at mealtime. This is straight from the Academy’s list and something I try to do. It helps me if I am reading the paper, watching the news or just having a conversation at the table.

Experiment with plant-based meals – maybe have a “meatless Monday”. I’m not there yet but I’m surrounded by plant-based eaters and I know how important it is to work in those fruits and vegetables.

Lastly, my personal favorite is a fun rule of thumb that my daughter picked up from her one of her nutrition professors. If sugar is in the first three ingredients of a packaged product it’s not your main course – it’s dessert! I started doing this with my breakfast cereals and it was eye-opening that many cereals I thought were healthy actually had way too much sugar. Next time you have breakfast or lunch take a look at the product’s ingredients and see what’s really in that package!

These are just a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up over my time living with two health-conscious women. I think they are great tips to start how you look at the food you eat. Easter is coming up though, and I still believe a little chocolate or a few jelly beans are good for you! In moderation of course.

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